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Boho Style Bedroom

The Soul Print Method

The Soulprint method is a tailored programme guiding you on your healing journey. It is based on 4 pillars which are intertwined to underpin your soulprint.

Other methods often deal with these pillars in isolation and you are left trying to piece it all together

and integrate it into your life. 


On your Soulprint we will go on a journey where you will go back to finding safety from the core taking time with exercises to go inwards, connect with your body and start to build safety. When you feel ready we will start to delve into your past and work through how it’s showing up in your current state and start to understand the reason why and what’s going on deep inside. Growing throughout your journey, you will find more confidence and belief in who you are .

With all these elements connected, you will have built a clear understanding of who you are and how you operate. Equipping you with the tools for living the life you love. You will then have unlocked your Soulprint way of life.





We will take it back to the core, working with your nervous system to tune in with your body allowing you to build connection with yourself.

We will look at the science and psychology of how our brains and bodies function. This will give you the knowledge to find links in your own life. By building this understanding it will help you to take ownership of what is going on.

Reviewing trauma, past events, stored stresses with more understanding, will enable you to start releasing and let go of things that have led you to feeling the way that you do, taking away the unknown, the deep heaviness.

With the process of all these elements and building that understanding, you will be uncovering and refinding that authentic, unapologetic you. Starting a new lifestyle, creating personal pathways to go forwards and living in a live that feels safe, content and abudantly you!

If the soulprint is calling something inside of you, I offer a free 20 minute connecting call so we can chat and speak a bit more about your journey. 

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